CSIR- National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Thiruananthapuram, Kerala has issued a notification for the Hindi Translator Posts. Eligible candidates have to apply through online mode on or before 24 June 2019 at 5:30 pm.
Important dates and Eligibility Criteria are given below :
Important Dates :
Vacancy Details :
Post Name –
Details of Age limit ,Salary and eligibility for the post are :-
Age limit :(Maximum)
30 years.
Age relaxation is given as per government rules.
Educational Qualification :
- Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at the degree level.
- and Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State government offices, including Government of India undertaking.
- see notification for more information about educational qualification.
Application fee.
Rs. 500/-
Important Links are given below :
How to apply ?
The duly signed print out of the computer generated application form (Hard copy) along with self attested copies of certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, caste certificate, if applicable, and proof of application fee remittance should be sent in an envelope superscribed “Application for the post of Junior Hindi Translator (Post Code: JHT)” by post so as to reach The Controller of Administration, CSIRNational Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Industrial Estate P.O, Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram-695019, Kerala on or before 5:30 PM on 01-07-2019.
Selection Process :
Written and Skill test.