National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) has issued a notification for the recruitment to Faculty Posts. Eligible candidates have to apply through sending application in prescribed format on or before 01 July 2019.
Important dates and Eligibility Criteria are given below :
Important Dates :
Vacancy Details
Details of Age limit ,Salary and eligibility for the post are :-.
Educational Qualification :
- Professor: Minimum 10 years teaching/ research/industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITIE, Mumbai and IISERs or at equivalent levels in other Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards, as may be so decided by the institute.
- Associate Professor: A minimum of 6 years’ Teaching/Industry/ Research experience, of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, Senior Scientific Officer / Senior Design Engineer in a research 2rganization or industry.
- Assistant Professor: At least 3 years’ Industrial/ Research/ Teaching experience, excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.
Important Links are given below :
How to apply ?
Eligible candidates have to send application in prescribed format along with self attested copies of Original documents to The Director, NITIE, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai-400087 on or before 1-07-2019. And Duly filled-in PDF form without any other attachments may be mailed to [email protected].