National Career Service/NCS, Muzaffarpur releases a Notice to held a Jobs/Rojgar Mela Camp for vacancy releases in Maruti for all the Students who are passed the 10th standard from the Recognized board of India. The Job Camp held on the 12th January 2021. The NCS Job Camp held in the Gannipur of Muzaffarpur District of Bihar. All the Eligible candidate can Apply for this Jobs from here. All the Interested Candidates can held in the Job Camp at the Date-12-January-2021.
Important Dates-
- Date of Notice Release- 07/01/2021.
- Date of Job Camp in NCS, Muzaffarpur- 12/01/2021.
- 10th passed with any recognized Institute or Board of India.
Age Limit-
- Minimum Age Limit- 18-Years.
- Maximum Age Limit- 20 Years.
- Minimum Salary- Rs. 13,000/-
- Maximum Salary- Rs. 28,000/-
How to Apply-
- For Appling Online Application form, Candidate first need to Register on the NCS Portal. For this either candidate can reached at the NCS, Muzaffarpur between the 11:00 am to 03:00 pm and take Registration or also Register via. Online way from here. For Online Registration Click on the Link given below to Register.
- After Registration Reached reached at the NSC, Muzaffarpur with all required Documents as Id-Proof, 10th mark-sheet etc… at Date-12-01-2021.
Click Here to Register Online in NCS, Muzaffarpur Bihar
Click Here to go to official website of National Career Service